scientific editor H. I. Kovalchuk
Nadia Shyp
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Funds Department of the Manuscript Heritage
National Manuscript Institute of V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Ihor Losiievskyi
Doctor of Philological Science (Dr. habil. in Philology), Professor, Head of Scientific Research Department of Document Science, Collections of Rare Editions and Manuscripts
Kharkiv Korolenko State Scientific Library,
Professor of Department of Document Science, Bibliology and Archival Science
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Maryna Paliienko
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Archival Studies and Special Branches of Historical Science
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine)
The results of research on the attribution and expertise of books and other types of printed monuments in the collections of the Book Science Institute of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine are shown. The purpose, legal basis, and theoretical basis of the expertise of monuments in libraries, the principal stages of the expertise, the conduct of the expertise conclusion, as well as the particulars of the historical and cultural heritage state expertise, are discussed. Special attention is paid to the attribution of monuments (like early printed books or fake books), the way copies from historical gatherings are attributed, and the attribution of music editions, engraved portraits, and phonograph records. The issue of textological attribution is considered.
The scientific and scientific methodological advances, covered by this collective monograph, that can be used to study books, music, and works of art in libraries, museums, archives, antiquarian bookstores, and in bibliophilia.
Chapter 1. The expertise of book monuments in libraries: grounds, issues, and terms
Chapter 3.1. Attribution of publications printed with Roman letters
Chapter 5.1. Textological attribution of Western European sources in Antonii Radyvylovskyi’s sermons
Chapter 5.3. «Requiem»by Waclav Rzevuski: history of the composition and attribution of the source