
Shyshkov S.Ye., PhD. in Economics, Chief Executive Officer of Stock Exchange “Perspektiva”, (Dnipro, Ukraine)


Sheludko Natalia, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Рrofessor, leading researcher of Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Bereslavska Olenа, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Financial Markets and Technology, State Tax University (Irpin, Kyiv region, Ukraine),


Savchuk Natalia, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Рrofessor, Professor of the Department of International Finance, Faculty of International Economics and Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Mantsurov Igor, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Рrofessor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Extraordinary Professor of the Department of Statisties and Population Studies University of the Western Cape (Pepublic of South Africa);

Director-General Research Instіtutе for System Statistical Studies (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Year: 2023
Pages: 126
ISBN: 978-966-360-476-3
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv

The legal, technological and financial aspects of the motivation of individual investors to participate in securities auctions in Ukraine and the world are studied. The steady growth of the role of households in the global capital markets and the expansion of the financial instruments used by individual investors, including cryptocurrencies, were noted. The problems of the shortage of reliable, liquid and profitable tools on the stock market of Ukraine and the reasons for the lack of trust of Ukrainian households in investments in securities of local non-state issuers compared to other areas of saving are thoroughly covered. The evolution of attempts by the state and capital market participants to increase the attractiveness of the stock market of Ukraine for individual investors is considered – the mass offer of shares during privatization, the introduction of online trading on the stock market, tax and technological incentives for public demand for government bonds, the growing role of securities of foreign issuers. The consequences of currency and regulatory restrictions on public investment, in particular the moratorium on the circulation of securities during the war, are determined, the ineffectiveness and inadmissibility of such restrictions in the context of the integration of the Ukrainian stock market with European capital markets are substantiated.

Keywords: stock market, stock exchange, securities, issuer, War Time, Domestic government bonds, local bonds issued during the War Time, individual (retail, non-accredited) investors