Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language
Kovzun I.G.
Prokopenko V.A.
Panko A.V.
Tsyganovich O.A.
Oliinyk V.O.
Nikipelova O.M.
Ulberg Z.R.
Year: 2020
Pages: 188
ISBN: 978-966-360-416-9
Publication Language: English
Edition: 200
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv
Book Type: Monograph

It was considered the modern ideas of colloidal and biocolloidal nanoscience concerning complex transformational processes in widespread dispersions of iron-aluminosilicates. It was shown for the fi rst time that they infl uence on catastrophic phenomena in marine turbiditic-pelitic sediments and soils consisting of iron-aluminosilicates. Th e fundamental study results of nano- and microstructure transformations of disperse ironaluminosilicate compositions are presented. And it was established the possibilities of their application in: constructing of protective structures; balneology and medicine; metallurgy; development of the problem of saving the ecological balance in the sea hydrosphere; developing the new branch of science — biocolloidal marine geoecology.



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