1. Aron, Raimon. Mémoires. – Paris : Juillard, 1983.
2. Giddens, Antony. The Nation-State and Violence. Cambrige, United Kingdom : Polity Press, 1985.
3. Foucault, Michel. The Political Technology of Individuals // Foucault, Michel. Power. – New York, 2000.
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5. Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations. – New York : Simon & Schuster, 1996.
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7. Levy, Jack S. What Do Great Powers Balance Against and When? // Balance of Power. – Stanford : Stanford University Press, 2004.
8. About correllation of will and law in Kant’s foundation of categorical imperative see: Proleyev S. Kant against Kant. Authonomy of Will and Subordination to Power // Philosophs’ka Dumka. – 2005. – № 2 (in Ukrainian).
9. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Will to Power. – Кyiv : REFL-book, 1994 (in Russian).
10. Understanding Power. The Indispensable Chomsky. – New York : The New Press, 2002.