L. Stepanyuk
M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the NAS of Ukraine
The monograph presents the results of uranium-lead isotope dating of multigrain monazite samples from crystalline rocks (granitoids, gneisses, amphibolites) of the Volyn and Dniester-Bug megablocks of the Ukrainian Shield. The mineralogy of monazite and the features of the uranium-lead isotopic system of this mineral are highlighted.
The age of granitoids and monazite-containing crystalline schists, gneisses and quartzites has been specified. It was found that the uranium-lead isotopic age of monazites is the same or slightly lower than the numerical age values obtained by the same method for zircons.
It has been confirmed that reverse discordance is more characteristic for monazites, while for zircons – direct discordance. In addition, concordant values of the isotopic age were obtained for monazites much more often than for zircons. At the same time, in some cases, the uranium-lead isotopic system of monazites, in particular from rocks of the granulite facies and from granites formed at the expense of rocks of the granulite association, is not always interpreted within the framework of the Ahrens-Wetherill model, which may be due to several stages of crystal growth of this mineral
Monazites in the granitoids of the Volyn megablock crystallized in the age interval of 2.08-2.04 billion years ago. Digital isotopic age values obtained by the uranium-lead isotopic method for monazites from crystalline rocks (crystalline schists, gneisses, and quartzites) distributed in different areas of the Dniester-Bug megablock have a much wider age interval – 2.06-1.80 billion years .
The book for a wide range of geologists
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