Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language
Editors: S. Osinsky, H. Friess, P. Vaupel
Year: 2011
Pages: 272
ISBN: 978-966-360-169-4
Publication Language: English
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv
Book Type: Monograph

This monograph considers the data from pathophysiological studies of human tumors, in particular concerning the pathogenesis of tumor hypoxia and the molecular basis of its impact on tumor aggressiveness. Special attention has been paid to the relevance of tumor hypoxia for diagnosis and treatment, as well as for the prognosis of disease outcome. Tumor response to treatment and approaches to enhance its efficacy are considered, with special emphasis on the role played by intratumoral hypoxia. The link between the molecular mechanism of malignant growth and the pathophysiological characteristics of neoplasia is discussed using the example of human tumors.



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