The key problems of nation- and state-building are revealed in the concept of the chronotope of the Ukrainian “long twentieth century,” which is a hybrid projection of the long XIX century.” An essential feature of this stage in the history of Ukraine and Ukrainians is the realization of the intentions of socioeconomic, ethnocultural and political emancipation: the end of the Ukrainian revolution, which began in the context of World War I and the destruction of the colonial system.
The phenomenon of the Ukrainian revolution, the causes and circumstances of the victory of communist Bolshevism, the tragedy of the largest divided nation in Eastern Europe in the era of the formation and strengthening of totalitarianism are the key themes of the book. The interwar period is considered as a time of cultivation and critical aggravation of internal problems of the Ukrainian nation under the influence of assimilation and repressive practices of controversial state organisms. For a wide audience.

Affiliation: NAS of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine
Year: 2021
Pages: 620
ISBN: 978-966-360-433-6
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv
Book Type: Monograph