Compiler, author of the foreword and comments: Volodymyr Lytvynov


Radyshevskyi Rostyslav Petrovych — Academician, Doctor of Philology, professor, Head of Department of Polish studies in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Rusin Myroslav Yuriyovych — Ph.D., professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Philosophy and Culture in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Mariya Alchuk — Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Theory and History of Culture. Philosophy Faculty. National Ivan Franko University of Lviv


Year:  2024
Pages: 466
ISBN: 978-966-360-526-5
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv

The Pan-European community is proud of its Renaissance and Baroque era culture (XV—XVIII centuries), which is reflected in Latin-language works and is acknowledged on the Internet, where all European countries and names of the authors who wrote works in Latin are listed. Only two countries are absent there: Muscovy and Ukraine. As for the Muscovy, it is clear: there is nothing to brag about. On the contrary, there are more than a dozen Latin-language works by Ukrainian Renaissance humanists and numerous manuscripts in Latin of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy professors’ philosophical heritage in Ukraine. This publication is the door opener to familiarizing the national and world community with Latin-speaking Ukraine. The “Anthology” consists of two parts: poetry and prose. Each part presents excerpts of works of the respective genre translated into Ukrainian.