Possibilities of using existing ground (TV centers, broadcasting stations) and space (global navigation satellite systems) radio systems for solving the problem of remote sensing and monitoring of the environment and objects in it are considered. The methods of diagnostics of the troposphere, description of the refractive index with the use of semi-Markov processes and atomic functions of Kravchenko-Rvacheva are proposed. The seasonal and altitudinal dependencies of radio-meteorological parameters and radio-climatic features of Ukraine were studied. Technologies for determining the effective gradient of the refractive index by damping factor of the VHF signals of television centers on the OTH routes in the zone of the near geometric shadow, on the angles of radioa “rise” and “sets” of the AES, detection of precipitation zones by the fluctuations of the pseudoranges and changes of the coordinates estimates, parameters of the surface of the earth by the fluctuations of the GNSS signals.
Reviewers: Head of the Department of Radio waves propagation in the natural environments of the O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics NASU, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kivva F.V., Professor of the Department of Designing Radioelectronic Devices of Aircraft of the National Aerospace University. M.E. Zhukovsky (KhAI), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Volosyuk V.K.