Project: Scientific monographs
Authors: Lytvynov Volodymyr
Year: 2014
Pages: 352
ISBN: 978-966-360-271-4
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv
Book Type: Monograph

Stanislav Orikhovsky (1513-1566) was an outstanding Ukrainian-Polish thinker of pan-European level. He wrote works mainly in Latin. In his writings, he considered and outlined ways of solving important political problems: war and peace, forms of government, inter-confessional relationships. Introduction to the scientific circulation of the Latin heritage of Ukrainian thinkers of the XV and the first half of the XVI century contributed to the opening of a completely new direction in the history of Ukrainian philosophy – Renaissance humanism. Its main representative was Orikhovsky. Now this topic has taken its proper place in the textbooks on “History of Ukrainian Philosophy” for higher education.
For scholars, students and a wide range of readers interested in national culture, in particular, the history of Ukrainian philosophy.