The monograph deals with the presentation of fundamental information problems of linguistics and is the result of many years of research and observations of the author in the field of information properties of natural human language. These studies have led the author to the need to penetrate deeply into the phenomenology of cognitive-communicative processes based on natural language, study their information properties and build on this basis formalized linguistic models focused on very specific applications.
The phenomenological approach, which is the basis of the author’s research methodology, led V. Shyrokov to the need to clarify the concepts of information and systems that play the role of fundamental concepts of his theory. Thus, among a number of models of information that exist in modern science, the author chose the Kolmogorov theory of information, based on the concept of algorithmic complexity. At the same time, the author’s interpretation of the Kolmogorov model allowed to explain the properties of the system-forming relations of “subject-object” and “form-content”, which were implicit in this model and were not noticed by other researchers. This observation led V. Shyrokov to clarify the concept of system (at least in the part related to linguistics), adding to the traditional system of relations “elements-connections” system categories “substance” and “subject”.
This generalization gave the author a basis for formulating a fundamental concept of lexicographic effect in information systems, which highlights the mechanisms of generation in systems of any nature (not only natural language) discrete complexes of relatively stable entities, combinations of which reflect the observed manifestations and reactions of these systems. The author managed to notice that the lexicographic effect in information systems is a phenomenological correlate of the Levenheim-Scolem theorem known in model theory.
The lexicographic effect in information systems was the factor on the basis of which V. Shirokov managed to build a sufficiently formalized and at the same time meaningful theory of lexicographic systems, which for lexicographic description of language plays the same role as the theory of formal grammars for grammatical description of language system.
The factor that allows to combine (integrate) grammatical and lexicographic descriptions of language was the theory of semantic states of language units built by the author. The latter turned out to be a far-reaching generalization of Kolmogorov’s idea of the states of the noun, which he laid down as the basis for the formal definition of the n case.
On the basis of these theories, the author built the concept and formalized models of virtual lexicographic laboratories, which were the basis for the development of appropriate software packages operating in the Web.
The development of these ideas in the modern civilizational and evolutionary context stimulates the development of the ideas of quantum linguistics, which is currently in the field of scientific forecasts.