Year: 2022
Pages: 122
ISBN: 978-966-360-453-4
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv
The book covers the activities of the first in Ukraine public organization “Women in
Science” by focusing at the status and the role of women scientists as well as the
differences in scientific careers of men and women. It adresses the women´s scientific
contribution from the historical and contemporary perspective. Described projects
aim at educating young scientists based at prinsiples of gender equality.
For scientists, public workers, government officials in the field of education and
Science” by focusing at the status and the role of women scientists as well as the
differences in scientific careers of men and women. It adresses the women´s scientific
contribution from the historical and contemporary perspective. Described projects
aim at educating young scientists based at prinsiples of gender equality.
For scientists, public workers, government officials in the field of education and
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