The world advances in the fields of strength physics, physical metallurgy, and materials science are analyzed and summarized with the primary objective of exploring the potential of different dislocation strengthening mechanisms in rare earth and superlight metals, their ordered alloys, cluster-assembled nanophase, and rapid-hardening materials. Besides, the monograph aims to provide a vehicle for exchange and dissemination of basic ideas in the fields. The volume is intended for scientists, engineering, and technical workers specializing in solid state physics and physical metallurgy as well as for educational use by students and postgraduates of relevant specialties.

Project: Ukrainian scientific book in a foreign language
Affiliation: I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences of the NAS of Ukraine
Year: 2021
Pages: 298
ISBN: 978-966-360-439-8
Publication Language: English
Edition: 162
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv
Book Type: Monograph