
Anatolii Alpatov, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Head of the Department of System Analysis and Control Problems of the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine, State Agency of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Scopus ID: 57215481539

Web of Science Researcher ID: AAB-9540-2020

Erik Lapkhanov, Researcher at the Department of System Analysis and Control Problems, Institute of Technical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine, State Agency of Ukraine, PhD


Scopus ID: 57214330404

Web of Science Researcher ID: AEG-2378-2022

Oleksandr Palii, Senior Researcher at the Department of System Analysis and Control Problems, Institute of Technical Mechanics of NAS of Ukraine, State Agency of Ukraine, PhD in Engineering


Scopus ID: 57219050808

Web of Science Researcher ID: AAB-9593-2020

R e v i ew e r s:
M.D. KOSHOVYI, Professor of the Department of Intelligent Measurement Systems and Engineering at the National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
O.V. GOLUBEK, Professor of the Department of Cybersecurity and Computer-Integrated Technologies at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Doctor of Technical Sciences
V.P. POSHYVALOV, Deputy Director of the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine for Scientific Work, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Year: 2024
Pages: 172
ISBN: 978-966-360-527-2
Publication Language: English
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv

The monography considers the features of the design of space aerodynamic systems for passive control of spacecraft. One of the purposes of using this technology is the deorbiting of space debris fragments from working orbits. The classification of the aerodynamic deorbiting system has been proposed. Classes of aerodynamic systems are divided according to various criteria such as: the degree of stiffness of the aerodynamic element, according to the method of forming the aerodynamic deorbit system, according to the modularity of the design of
the aerodynamic element, into groups using the transformation of the design elements of the object, depending on the type of material, etc.

For scientific and engineering workers working in the field of rocket and space technology, as well as for graduate students and students of relevant specialties.