
Kubalskyi O.N.

M.I. Boychenko, Dr. phil., professor
L.H. Drotyanko, Dr. phil., professor
N.M. Kovtun, Dr. phil., professor

Year: 2023
Pages: 244
ISBN: 978-966-360-491-6
Publication Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv

Based on the socio-systemic approach and communicative philosophy, the thesis proves the role of science as a stabilizing factor of social processes that take place in conditions of permanent growth of social turbulence for the first time.

The phenomenon of science is considered comprehensively as essentially aimed at identifying stable and unchanging characteristics of certain systems of relevance, including society as such a dynamic and open system. Knowledge about the laws of society development revealed by science, supported by scientifically based knowledge about the determination of processes in the world as a whole, create the necessary theoretical principles, based on which value-based, worldview, methodological, and praxeological recommendations are developed, which contribute to the preservation of the sustainable development of society and the successful counteraction of destabilizing factors, including those that have the character of social turbulence in the first place.

Social turbulence is analysed as a special type of social determination when the uncertainty of a significant part of social events stands in sharp contrast with society’s demand for stable and predictable development. It causes using the preventive actions to maintain and strengthen the intended course of development. Such actions partake of carrying out clearly defined operational tasks following the functional needs of one or another social system revealed by scientific research. Thanks to such a scientifically based operationalization, social systems do not go beyond the affordable (threshold) social-institutional imbalance or are guaranteed to restore their necessary social-institutional balance.