
Serhii Shevchenko was born in 1961, graduated from the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (KhPI) in 1984 (specialty: “Hydraulic machines and means of automation”).
In 1990, he defended his Ph. D thesis on the topic “Development and research of new designs of stuffing-box seals for NPP pumping equipment”. He worked at the research laboratory of machines’ vibration reliability at the theoretical mechanic’s department of the Sumy branch of KhPI(later Sumy State University): as a research associate from 1984 to 1994 (as a junior researcher since 1986, as senior researcher since 1991), participated in the development for the Aircraft technology and NPP.
Since July 2020, he has been a senior researcher at the G.E. Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPME). In June 2023, he defended his doctoral (Doctor of Engineering) thesis on the topic “Mathematical models of processes in the sealing systems of centrifugal machines”. The area of S. Shevchenko’s research related to the methods development of sealing theory and vibration reliability of centrifugal machines.





Oleksandr Chernov was born in 1963, graduated from the Sumy Branch of the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute in 1985 (specialty: “Hydraulic machines and means of automation”). In 1995, he defended his Ph. D thesis on the topic “Development and optimization of impulse mechanical seals for high-speed turbopump units of liquid jet engines”. He worked as a researcher at the research laboratory of machines’ vibration reliability at the theoretical mechanic’s department of the Sumy branch of KhPI (later Sumy State University) from 1987 to 1995. From 1996 to 2001, he worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer at the Department of “General Mechanics and Dynamics of Machines” Sumy State University. From 2002 to 2003, he was the head of department No. 7 of VNDIAEN in Sumy. From 2004 to the present day, he is the director of “KB UKRSPETSMASH” LLC, Sumy. The direction of scientific and industrial activity of O. Chernov related to the development, production and improvement of mechanical seals of various centrifugal machines (pumps, compressors, etc.)





Year: 2024
Pages: 205
ISBN: 978-966-360-503-6
Publication Language: English
Publisher: PH “Akademperiodyka”
Place Published: Kyiv

Physical principles are considered and modern methods of calculating contact mechanical seals are developed. The principle of operation, calculation methods and design features of non-contact mechanical seals are described. Modern technologies and materials used in the production of mechanical seals are presented. Directions for improving mechanical seals are proposed. The analysis of designs and features of operation of energy pumps mechanical seals was carried out. The main causes of failure were identified and a system of maintenance and repair of mechanical seals was developed.
The author expects that the monograph will help specialists in the field of sealing technology and designers of pumping equipment. At the same time, it will be useful to specialists engaged in the operation and maintenance of centrifugal pumps, as well as students of power engineering specialties of universities.




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